Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Honeywell Organizational Structure Case Study

Question: Discuss about theWorkflow Analysis and Management of Honeywell. Answer: Introduction Honeywell is one of the leading automation and control businesses that configures designs and manufactures the sophisticated TDC 3000X family of systems (Honeywell 2016). These systems provide the customers to have excellent process control capability. This report is reviewing the experiences gained by Honeywell in accordance with the fundamental change. The entire elaborations about Honeywells experiences, some aspects are focused more with respect to the experiences (Paper et al. 2001). These are initial problems faced by the organization in experiencing the fundamental change, process of improvements in redefining the entire business set up of the organization and as well as the execution of the business process. Strategy of the Honeywell Organizational Vision and Strategy Vision: Honeywell is one of the leading companies providing automation and manufactures sophisticated TDC 3000X family of systems. The most effective mission of the company is to become a globally prominent and efficient automation element manufacturer that must rank among the top most automation element manufacturer in the world (Taylor et al. 2014). The company aims to achieve these positions with respect to the providence of quality goods and services to their concerned customer. Strategy: The organization utilizes the strategy to be productive in manufacturing the quality equipment and sustainable products for their customer (Grefen et al. 2012). Organizational Leadership, Structure and Design Organizational leadership, structure and design of organizational culture and programs are essential for the development of the organization (Paper et al. 2001). In case of Honeywell these also plays an important role for the developmental perspective of the organization. Organizational leadership: The organization follows leadership standard work (LSW). This guideline of the leadership measures manages the behavior, tools and process that can be successfully used for the development of the business practices (McGrath 2015). This LSW programs consists of the followings: one to one meeting with the directors and leader of the organization, opportunities of training to the new employees, reward and recognition programs, action and item management program, production floor interactions, customer satisfaction and quality and delivery management (Paper et al. 2001). Organizational structure and design: The most effective part of the management schedule is that the organization offers no benefit to their employee and authority relationship (Paper et al. 2001). As a result of that the employees get distracted from their goals and the developmental perspective of the organization get demolished. In addition to this, there are several positive sides of the organizational structure of Honeywell. The organization maintains their brand and stability in the competitive marketplace (Prater et al. 2016). According to the surveys done on the organizational structure of the Honeywell it is found that the authority is advised to improve their enacting policies that will maintain their interrelationship with the employees. Need for Process Improvement/World-Class Manufacturing (WCM) Program The Honeywell is one of the best automation and control business that is famous for manufacturing ad configuring the sophisticated TDC 3000X group of systems (Honeywell 2016). There are several problems within the system architecture of the Honeywell. The conventional system going on within the organization started a new system, that offers their customers a new world-class process control capability (Deelman et al. 2015). The problems associated with the organizational structure were solved with the help of the three tier excellent manufacturing programs. The reasons behind establishing this program are as follows: To investigate about the lag of performance results Establishment of the uncertain goals and objectives for reducing the defects within the organizational culture Goals for reducing the short-cycle production (Jenkins and Eckel 2012). To manage the materials within the organization with the help of the new strategic policies In addition to these above mentioned reasons behind establishing the WCM within Honeywell, reduction of the defect of material by ten percent was another reason. WCM was established within Honeywell in order to capture the system wide view of the organization that will provide the structured elaboration of the organization structure as well as about the risks and problems associated with the structure (Paper et al. 2001). Business Processes and Strategic Alignment The system being operated within Honeywell enables the customers to get the excellent type of process control capability to achieve high level of quality control capability by the organizational heads (Liu et al. 2015). This aspect will make the performance of the organization better with respect to their competitors. The management team of Honeywell established WCM program for identifying the faults and problems associated with it. WCM was utilized in order to view the organizational culture. This structure was used in order to reduce the lag of performance measures among the elements (Paper et al. 2001). In addition to this, the WCM was mainly focused on the factory-based environment that modifies the potentials of the individual teams within the organization. Thee protocols helps to identify the disorders within the system. In 1990 each employee were being provided training about the radical change with respect to the organizational structure (Menon et al. 2014). This guidance helped the employee to understand the process of operations rather than focusing on the useless event or tasks. The organization started all salaried paradigm that focuses on the payment system for the employees within the organization. This payment is system is entirely based on the performance measures of the organizational members (Paper et al. 2001). In addition to this, the organizational backlog was that the structure had white spaces within it. That is providing the chances to the misuse of power to the internal supply chains of the organization. The reduction of these white spaces is done through the strategic plan established by the operational heads of the organization (Tang et al. 2013). The organizational heads made the team heads responsible for the int ernal change within the supply chain management. This aspect overall reduced the white spaces within the organization. Competitive Opportunity/Differentiations Though there are several issues that were being identified within the organizational culture for a specific time span, there are other opportunities and scope of improvement within the strategic structuring of the organization (Paper et al. 2001). With the help of the trial and error method within the organizational structure, the directors viewed that control over things were becoming less due to the internal clashes between the employees as well as the authorities. The most effective opportunity was the effective and helpful environment that was forcing the employees as well as the organizational head to improve their performance and meeting the customer demands (Oakley et al. 2014). Another opportunity within this platform was the extraordinary design of the landscape that was helping to make the flow of work better from various perspectives. In addition to this the organizational structure helps to facilitate the continuous improvement of the organizational culture. The organizat ion focused on establishing the Total Plant paradigm that was offering the organization the chance of controlling and measuring the capability of solving business related problems and other disorders. One of the most effective limitations of this paradigm is its rules are only limited to the IAC sites (Paper et al. 2001). Process and Defect Diagnosis This report is explaining the detailed information about the fundamental change of the organizational culture. Following are the preferred steps that can be granted for identifying the problems and defects within the system (Paper et al. 2001). In contrast with the considered scenario of the process diagnosis and detect detection there are mainly three aspects that may be helpful in detecting the problems. The TotalPlantTMParadigm This paradigm is completely based on the four principles that are helping in finding the problems and defects within the organizational structure. These paradigms are process mapping, fail safiing, teamwork and communication. Each element of this paradigm is helpful in finding the impact of the TotalPlantTM Paradigm (Paper et al. 2001). In contrast with this paradigm it is found that each employee within the organization should have to be educated about this principles in order to apply this paradigms within their organizational structure. This paradigm will be helpful in solving the problems associated with any kind of business manufacturing processes. The major obstacle in solving the organizational problems is the things are OK, why should we change (Paper et al. 2001). The lack of response toward the change is the main disadvantages of the conventional system architecture of the Honeywell. Several aspects will be helpful in solving the problems within the organizational culture. These are process mapping, fail-safing, teamwork and communication (Foo et al. 2015). Among all of these aspect two important perspectives are elaborated in this part of the report in order to resolve the problems within Honeywell. Holistic Process Mapping Holistic process mapping is nothing but a conventional approach that will be helpful in identifying the flow of the business within or outside of the organization. A conventional process map allows viewer in understanding the flow of the structure with the help of the functional graphical measures of each of the elements involved within the business structure. This aspect will be more effective in finding the flaws and defects within the system (Paper et al. 2001). This aspect also introduces the effective boundaries for the work structure of Honeywell. This effective measurement helps to identify the spaces through which an individual can improve the organizational structure and make the improvement rise more conveniently. In this case, facilitator plays a great role in finding the elements that must have to be involved within the system architecture (Paper et al. 2001). This step enables increase the capability of each employee to understand the operating process going on within th e organizational structure. In contrast with the base organizational goals of Honeywell, they train their employees about the customer satisfaction perspective that is very much important for improving the structure of the organization (Paper et al. 2001). Honeywell utilizes these training for improving the performance level of employees that in turns helps the organization in achieving their goals. Defect Diagnosis/Fail-Safing Fail safing is a method that identifies the defect in the organization structure or system. This system identifies the problem and detects the root cause of the problems in order to solve the or find their resolution process. This step can assure that the system or architecture will become defect free (Paper et al. 2001). Process mapping is done in order to investigate several problems or defect within a system but fail safing is used in order to investigate one particular problem or defect within a system or organizational structure. Fail safing identifies problems or defects that is inside the system or architecture but process mapping is capable of identifying problems and defects outside the system or architecture. Fail safing mainly follows five stages that is helpful in identifying the problem or defect and can resolve that problems also (Veselenak et al. 2015). These steps are identification of the defect, analysis of the problem background, generation of the solution, impleme ntation of the solution, testing of results and acting on results. Other than these above mentioned aspects discussed under TotalPlantTM paradigm there are two aspects more that guides in identifying the cause of thee problem or defect. In contrast with other aspects fail safing is one of the most effective and continuous process that act most effective while solving and detecting the problems and defects (Paper et al. 2001). Other than these aspect mentioned above are teamwork and communication that are helpful in identifying the cause solution of the problems. Conclusion Honeywell IAC produces the high quality of products and services to their concerned customers in order to achieve high level of performance. 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